Musicians and music lyrics have shown time and time again that they create the most reliable venue for portraying their thoughts to the public. It can start with a phrase, a poem, an idea, a story, and often gets created during the music creation process simultaneously. What results is words that rhyme, music that kicks, backbeats that hold up, and choruses that make us remember. Continue reading Songwriting
Category: General
Stealing Golf Carts Worldwide
A golf addict since age 14, I have always found a way to make time to get out on the courses, wherever I am. I managed to get extended stays for hours, days or even weeks. I worked at a golf course from 16 to 18 during high school. My experimentation began then and kind of slowed upon graduating from College. It involves the use of golf carts for extra-curricular transportation as well as extra curricular activities.Golf carts are everywhere. College campuses, apartment complexes, state parks, city parks, every golf course: suburban, rural and the very private. Movie sets all over Hollywood have them, for example. The Playboy mansion has golf carts. So does the Aaron Spelling property; both being adjacent to the Los Angeles Country Club down in Westwood. The idea is golf carts are not just for golf; just look around and you will see them being used for any purposes in many places. On the remote islands of Belize, Caye Caulker and San Pedro, the only mode of transportation around the islands are golf carts. Continue reading Stealing Golf Carts Worldwide
Picking a minor in college
When attending University, you want to get the best bang for your buck. I have recommendations for how to achieve a minor with little or no trouble. I will discuss the four areas of study that are ideal to this end: Theatre, Visual Arts, Music or Sociology. This is due to the people aka girls in those classes, the people teaching those classes, and the little amount of work needed to pass these classes. Continue reading Picking a minor in college
Working abroad: the new tourism
After graduating from college, I discovered just working with people can make you learn too. There are heroines and villains, colleagues and co-workers, cultural and communication barriers, established hierarchies and subliminal politics. Some can be so jaded and slanderous; their work banter is more funny than informative or serious.
I found that short to long term work assignments in large foreign enterprises makes for a leaps and bounds better experience abroad than normal tourist type activities. Being a pure tourist is the double edged sword I hate. Schlepping all the way across the Atlantic, making two connecting flights, a one hour train ride, a 20 min ferry boat ride, all to find hundreds of Americans in a place viewing the same fjords you saw on tv during that Rick Steve’s marathon that one time when you decided not to go with your sister to church.
Creating Art
In the beginning, I made art for fun, simply drawing what I enjoyed seeing. Toys, people and family were some pictures. Later, in developing art techniques, I tried a variety of art media in a series of classes from the ages of 15-21. Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, Chalk, Crayon, Acrylic and oil paint, oil pastel, silkscreen, and sculpting. Some try to use a variety of mediums to show off their talent and display their knowledge of art-making.
Continue reading Creating Art
How to Cheat aka Test Taking Mastery
College’s main, obvious purpose: education and academic learning. So I’ll begin my story with a lesson. In this lesson I will teach anyone to master test taking. The basic knowledge that got you into your current school can be used to ensure your grades while giving us hours of freedom. You’ll save money on books, save time you would have wasted studying. Go to class, entertain yourself and your attractive classmates without having to distract yourself by taking lecture notes. Hopefully with the free time earned you can explore the other stories and myths that I will break down and discuss later. So we’ll dive right in with Taking Tests.