Creating Art

In the beginning, I made art for fun, simply drawing what I enjoyed seeing. Toys, people and family were some pictures. Later, in developing art techniques, I tried a variety of art media in a series of classes from the ages of 15-21. Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, Chalk, Crayon, Acrylic and oil paint, oil pastel, silkscreen, and sculpting. Some try to use a variety of mediums to show off their talent and display their knowledge of art-making.
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How to Cheat aka Test Taking Mastery

College’s main, obvious purpose: education and academic learning. So I’ll begin my story with a lesson. In this lesson I will teach anyone to master test taking. The basic knowledge that got you into your current school can be used to ensure your grades while giving us hours of freedom. You’ll save money on books, save time you would have wasted studying. Go to class, entertain yourself and your attractive classmates without having to distract yourself by taking lecture notes. Hopefully with the free time earned you can explore the other stories and myths that I will break down and discuss later. So we’ll dive right in with Taking Tests.

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